Somebody said dat as a person grows older, his temper won't be as bad as he was young becoz he is old enough to think maturely and interprete something rationally, hence he knows dat get angry over some small matter is not going to bring him any benefit.
However, this theory is not suitable for everyone as there are many kind of people in this world, including those people who are extremely petty and the theory above is totally not applicable on them.
Their presence on this planet is still considered as normal i think.
Lemme tell u a story:
Once upon a time, there was a farmer -- R. He was a genius in growing crops, hence he was so proud of himself and thought dat his way of growing crops is the best, other ways of growing crops are not as good as his. However, the other farmers were very open-minded and did not argue with R.
One day, R found dat the quality of some seeds was not good when he was sowing. He thought that is not a big matter and just sow those seed together with those good seeds. after few months later, R found that his crops were sick, the drought came and the fertilizer which is supplied by the government doensnt come in time too. his crops started to die. R was so angry and said that the quality of the seeds for this batch is not good, which is the cause for him to fail to grow his crop. the other farmer told him that he shouldnt sow those seeds which he suspected to have problem with the other seeds. if he separates the bad seeds from good seeds, the other crop might be healthy as ever.
However R insisted that the problem lies on the seed, weather and government and these problem hurt his pride as a farmer. He stepped on his crops everyday, complained to the government and told everyone that he wants to go to other country to grow his crop.
What happen to this R in the end? I dunno,bcoz this story havent come to the end.
i think my coursemates will know the meaning of this story.
Plz dun be sad if you do not understand the story (because my language might play a role in confusing you...), juz take it as a normal story and learn to be humble and soft from it.
anyway, there are some points that i really cant figure out:
1. If there is SOMEONE who really offended him, why must he treats us in this way as if WE offended him? (maybe he holds the principle of 'the more the merrier'? paiseh lar, i m not that noble to bear the responsibility which i shouldnt bear.)
2. he stressed that we can go to him if we have any problem and he will be very happy to help us, but then why he said:"go to the lecturer who taught you clinical skills."when some of us told him that they dunno how to do clinical skills?(maybe he thinks dat he is a physiologist, asking anything beyond this scope is an insult to his speciality.)
3. how come he could use more than 2 hours for an hour lecture last time, and 20 minutes for a 2 hours lecture now?(i think he thinks in this way: last time:"it's ok if nobody teaches u anatomy,physiology,pathology,i can teach u,i m ur saviour,because i m clever and smart,i know everything." now:"it's ur problem if u dunno anatomy,physiology,pathology. why dun Roslani get more lecturer who r clever and smart like me to teach u?u couldnt understand wat i was teaching?it's ur problem too!u hv no interest in studies,u dun even noe the basic!if dat is not u problem then must be the school's problem,or might be ur problem+school's problem. it's not my problem.")
4. he said dat we no nid to be afraid of him bcoz he would not fail us in exam as he doesnt involve in the paper marking;he doesnt nid to be afraid of us like wat the other lecturer do bcoz he no nid to rely on us to earn a living. Couldnt he differentiate the word 'respect' and 'afraid'?(again,i dun think we should blame him coz he is a lecturer for medicine, not literature.he can differentaite the physiology of cardiac system and renal system but not english words.)(i can tell u a bit about the difference between physio of cardiac n renal oso lar,no nid to ask him.)(R:u dun even noe the basic!how dare you say dat u know the physio of cardiac n renal?u show no interest in studies!go bek n study!)(...)
5.i really dun understand y he dislike power point so much, isnt good to show pictures through power point?at least he doesnt nid to draw something on the white board which oni he can udnerstand and we nid to imagine the organ ourselves. it's much easier for him to explain and for us to understand if he shows pictures on power point,isnt?(is our fault lar,we are not as smart as him,not as creative n imaginative as him mar,sure cannot understand lar,is our fault...)
to be honest i m quite happy if he really leaves us, at least we no nid to show muka busuk to each other...and i have a small request for him before he leaves: cant you plz bring along 'handsome guy' bek to india too?both of u make me sick...